
Jul 17

New blog website

After 4 years blogging on the Qt Labs, it’s time to move on. This is a familiar WordPress installation, but I still need to tweak it a bit. For example, I need to figure out how to configure proper syntax highlighting. Any hints?


  1. avatar
    Johan Thelin

    There are a few plugsin. This works for C++. Doubt that you will find any knowing QML from scratch :-)


  2. avatar
    Milian Wolff

    Look out for a GeSHi plugin for WordPress. GeSHi is the defacto standard for syntax highlighting using PHP.


  3. avatar
    The User

    There is a WordPress-Geshi plugin (Geshi is a PHP highlighting library), when it is installed you can use or or (styled like code, but no highlighting). It supports many languages and works very well for me, also looks nice in my opinion. Do not forget to mention it in the message next to the comment form such that people will use it (e.g. for me it is wp-content/themes/the-go-green-theme/comments.php, I added: Use <blockquote cite="name"> for quotations, <pre lang="text    ∨ cpp-qt ∨ cpp ∨ bash ∨ other language"> for code and <em> for em.)

  4. avatar
    Thiago Macieira

    Thanks guys, I’ve installed both. I can’t decide which one I like best — neither is perfect.

  5. avatar

    Why are you no longer blogging for Qt Labs? Do you no longer work for Nokia?

  6. avatar

    Qt labs uses this one http://www.akii.org/auto-syntaxhighlighter.html , if you prefer to use something you’re already used to. ;-)

  7. avatar
    Thiago Macieira

    Yes, I’ve left Nokia.

  8. avatar

    Thiago why you left Nokia???
    I’m really worry about Qt’s future

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